Marine Mammals : 214 items in stock

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Aitutaki 581-592, 593 sheet/12

Aitutaki 581-592, 593 sheet/12

$ 56.10
Aitutaki 581-592, 593 sheet of 12, MNH, $110.00. Cetaceans, 2012. Whales and Dolphins....More In Stock: 2
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Aitutaki 600-611, 612 ai sheet

Aitutaki 600-611, 612 ai sheet

$ 53.50
Aitutaki 600-611, 612 ai sheet, MNH, $125.00. Cetaceans and Boats, 2013. Whales and Dolphins, various boats....More In Stock: 4
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Aitutaki 612 ai sheet

$ 26.75
Aitutaki 612 ai sheet, MNH, $62.50. Cetaceans and Boats, 2013. Whales and Dolphins, various boats....More In Stock: 2
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Anguilla 707

$ 7.65
Anguilla 707, MNH, $9.00. Michel Bl.74. Discovery of America, 500th Ann. in 1992, 1986. Caribbean manatee. Map....More In Stock: 1
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Antigua 703-706

$ 6.10
Antigua 703-706, MNH, $8.35. Michel 714-717, Euros 14.00. 1983: Battlenose dolphin, Finback whale, Bowhead whale, Spectacled whales, Unicorn whale - narwhal....More In Stock: 1
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Argentina 1323

$ 4.90
Argentina 1323, MNH, $6.75. Michel 1528. Anti-indiscriminate whaling, 1981. Map, whale....More In Stock: 3
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Aruba 351-354

$ 10.20
Aruba 351-354, MNH, $14.00. Dolphins 2009....More In Stock: 1
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Australia 821-824 gutter

$ 5.10
Australia 821-824 gutter pairs, MNH, $6.90. Michel 777-780, Euros 11.00. Whales 1982: Sperm, Southern right, Blue, Humpback. Gutter block of 4 - buy 2 items (1). ...More In Stock: 8
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Australia 821-824

$ 2.50
Australia 821-824, MNH, $3.45. Michel 777-780, Euros 5.50. Whales 1982: Sperm, Southern right, Blue, Humpback....More In Stock: 5
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Australian AT L94-L97

$ 4.15
Australian Antarctic Territory L 94-L97, MNH, $5.70. Michel 102-105. Whales and Dolphins, 1995. ...More In Stock: 2
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Australian AT L97a sheet

$ 5.65
Australian Antarctic Territory L 97a sheet, MNH, $7.75. Whales and Dolphins, 1995. Hampback whale, Hourglass dolphin, Minke whale, Killer whale....More In Stock: 1
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Australian AT L97b sheet

$ 47.45
Australian Antarctic Territory L 97b sheet, MNH, $65.00. Michel Bl.1-I. Whales and Dolphins overprinted in Gold with SINGAPORE-1995....More In Stock: 1
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Australian AT L119 ad block

$ 5.95
Australian Antarctic Territory L119 ad block of 4, MNH, $7.00. Michel 149-152. Antarctic Base Station, 2002. Light Detection, Ranging instrument, Davis Station; Diatom, Casey Station; Wandering albatross, Masquarie Island Station; Adelie penguin, Mawson S...More In Stock: 1
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Bahamas 1206-1209

$ 3.85
Bahamas 1206-1209, MNH, $4.50. WWF 2007. Blaineville's beaked whales....More In Stock: 1
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Brazil 1510

$ 1.45
Brazil 1510, MNH, $2.00. Michel 1597, Euros 6.25. Protection of Marine life, 1977. Blue whale....More In Stock: 5
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Brazil 2304

$ 3.30
Brazil 2304, MNH, $4.50. Michel 2402. Visit by President Collor to Antarctica, 1991. Seals, Penguins, Birds....More In Stock: 3
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BAT 64-67

$ 20.50
British Antarctic Territory 64-67, MNH, $28.25. Michel 64-67. Whales 1977: Sperm, Fin, Humpback, Blue. ...More In Stock: 3
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BAT 96-101 gutter

$ 6.50
British Antarctic Territory 96-101 gutter pairs, MNH, $7.60. Michel 98-103. Convention for Conservation of Antarctic Seals, 1982....More In Stock: 2
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BAT 96-101

$ 3.05
British Antarctic Territory 96-101, MNH, $3.60. Michel 98-103. Convention for Conservation of Antarctic Seals, 1982....More In Stock: 2
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B I O T 203-206

$ 11.75
British Indian Ocean Territory 203-206, MNH, $16.00. International Year of the Ocean IYO-1998. Striped dolphin, Bryde's whale, Pilot whale, Spinner dolphin. ...More In Stock: 1
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Bulgaria 3665-3670

$ 3.55
Bulgaria 3665-3670, MNH, $4.90. Michel 3959-3964. Save the Ocean: Marine Mammals: Phogophoca graenlandica, Orcinus orca, Odobenus rosmarus, Tursiops truncatus, Monachus monachus, Phocaena phocaena....More In Stock: 26
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Bulgaria 3665-3670a sheet

$ 4.75
Bulgaria 3665-3670a sheet, MNH, $6.50. Michel 3959-3964 klb. Save the Ocean: Marine Mammals: Phogophoca graenlandica, Orcinus orca, Odobenus rosmarus, Tursiops truncatus, Monachus monachus, Phocaena phocaena....More In Stock: 20
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Bulgaria 4049 sheet

$ 2.40
Bulgaria 4049 sheet, MNH, $3.25. Michel 4355 Bl.236. Year of the Ocean IYO-1998. Monachus monachus....More In Stock: 17
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Canada 480

$ 0.25
Canada 480, MNH. Michel 421. Whale - Narwhal, 1968....More In Stock: 2
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Canada 813-814 mlh

$ 0.70
Canada 813-814, lightly hinged, $1.05. Michel 722-723. Endangered wildlife, 1979. Soft-shelled turtle, Bowhead whale....More In Stock: 1
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