Sculpture : 386 items in stock

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Afghanistan 846-847

$ 0.95
Afghanistan 846-847, MNH, $1.30. Michel 1099-1100. UNESCO, sponsored International Kushani Seminar, 1971. Kushan Statue....More In Stock: 2
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Andorra Fr 421

$ 1.70
Andorra French 421, MNH, $2.00. Michel 444. Sculpture, by Mauro Staccioli, 1992. Ordino Arcalis-1991....More In Stock: 3
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Andorra Fr 432

$ 1.70
Andorra French 432, MNH, $2.00. Michel 461. Sculpture, by Erik Dietman, 1993....More In Stock: 4
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Argentina  727

$ 0.30
Argentina 727, MNH. Michel 773. Visit of President Giovanni Gronchi of Italy, 1961. Emperor Trajan Statue. ...More In Stock: 2
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Argentina 1415

$ 0.60
Argentina 1415, MNH, $0.65. Michel 1622. National Art Fund, 25th Ann. 1983. Allegory, by Victor Rebuffo....More In Stock: 1
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Argentina 1598

$ 0.65
Argentina 1598, MNH, $0.75. Michel 1892. Argentine Agrarian Federation, 75th Ann. 1987. The Sower, by Julio Vanzo. Sculpture....More In Stock: 1
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Argentina 1642-1645 two pairs

$ 1.50
Argentina 1642-1645 two pairs, MNH. Michel 1958-1661. Holy Week 1989. Sculpture and Churches....More In Stock: 1
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Argentina 1642-1645

$ 1.20
Argentina 1642-1645, MNH, $1.40. Michel 1958-1661. Holy Week 1989. Sculpture and Churches....More In Stock: 2
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Argentina C55-C56 mlh

$ 0.70
Argentina C 55-C56, lightly hinged, $1.10. Michel 563-564. Air Post 1948-1949. 4th Pan-American Reunion of Cartographers. Atlas, National Museum, Naples; Map, globe, caliper....More In Stock: 1
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Argentina C55-C56

$ 0.95
Argentina C 55-C56, MNH, $1.10. Michel 563-564. Air Post 1948-1949. 4th Pan-American Reunion of Cartographers. Atlas, National Museum, Naples; Map, globe, caliper....More In Stock: 1
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Argentina CB6 mlh

$ 12.85
Argentina CB 6, hinged, $22.50. Michel 590. Pieta by Michelangelo, 1951....More In Stock: 1
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Argentina CB6 perf

$ 12.75
Argentina CB 6, MNH see perforation, $22.50. Michel 590. Pieta by Michelangelo, 1951....More In Stock: 1
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Aruba 255-256 FDC

$ 3.30
Aruba 255-256, FDC, $4.50. Kingdom Statues, 50th Ann. 2004. Collage, Statue monument....More In Stock: 1
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Aruba 255-256

$ 3.30
Aruba 255-256, MNH, $4.50. Kingdom Statues, 50th Ann. 2004. Collage, Statue monument....More In Stock: 1
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Australia 341 mlh

$ 0.30
Australia 341, lightly hinged, $0.45. Michel 314. Dame Nellie Melba, singer, birth centenary, 1961. Sculpture, by Sir Bertram Mackennal....More In Stock: 1
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Australia 341

$ 0.45
Australia 341, MNH, $0.45. Michel 314. Dame Nellie Melba, singer, birth centenary, 1961. Sculpture, by Sir Bertram Mackennal. Block of 4 - buy 4 stamps (1)....More In Stock: 8
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Australia 1939-1940a pair

$ 1.65
Australia 1939-1940a pair, MNH, $2.25. National Museum, Canberra, 2001. Pangk wallaby sculpture, by George MacNaught and Joe Ngallametta....More In Stock: 1
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Austria 693

$ 0.30
Austria 693, MNH. Michel 1324. Definitive 1970. Romanesque columns, Millstatt Abbey....More In Stock: 1
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Austria 696 block/4

$ 1.35
Austria 696 block of 4, MNH, $1.60. Michel 1256. Definitive 1968. Dragon Fountain, Klagenfurt....More In Stock: 1
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Austria 726

$ 0.30
Austria 726, MNH. Michel 1152. 2nd Parliamentary and Scientific Conference, Vienna 1964. Pallas Athena....More In Stock: 3
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Austria 744

$ 0.35
Austria 744, MNH. Michel 1182. Art of Danube Art School, 1490-1540, exhibition 1965. St George, wood sculpture. Block of 4 - buy 4 stamps (1)....More In Stock: 11
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Austria 816

$ 0.25
Austria 816, MNH. Michel 1268. 20 years of excavations on Magdalene Mountain, 1968. Austria 816, MNH. Michel 1268. 20 years of excavations on Magdalene Mountain, 1968. Bronze Statue of Young Man, 1st century B.C....More In Stock: 9
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Austria 830-835

$ 2.05
Austria 830-835, MNH, $2.40. Michel 1284-1289. Statues in St Stephen's Cathedral, Vienna, 1969....More In Stock: 4
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Austria 879

$ 0.50
Austria 879, MNH, $0.55. Michel 1337. 13th General Assembly of the World Veterans Federation, 1970. Sculpture. Block of 4 - buy 4 stamps (2)....More In Stock: 15
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Austria 898

$ 0.30
Austria 898, MNH. Michel 1363. Exhibition of "1000 years of Arts in Krems", 1971. The statue of St Matthew, 1520 year....More In Stock: 11
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