Portrait : 656 items in stock

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Aden Kathiri of Seiyun 122

$ 3.60
Aden Kathiri State of Seiyun 122, Euros 4.50. Mona Lisa, by Leonardo da Vinci, 1967....More In Stock: 2
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Ajman 225-234 Michel

$ 7.20
Ajman 225-234 Michel, MNH, Euros 12.00. Paintings by Albrecht Durer, Peter Paul Rubens, Jan Vermeer von Delft, Michelangelo da Caravaggio, 1968....More In Stock: 1
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Argentina 850

$ 0.30
Argentina 850, MNH. Michel 987. Eduardo Sivori, 1847-1918, painter, 1968. Portrait of his wife. Block of 4 - buy 4 stamps (2)....More In Stock: 17
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Argentina 874

$ 0.45
Argentina 874, MNH. Michel 1017. Witcomb Gallery, centenary, 1968, Woman Potter, by Ramon Gomez Cornet....More In Stock: 6
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Australia 573, 574, 576

$ 6.35
Australia 573, 574, 576, MNH, $8.55. Paintings, by Australian Artists, 1974. Hans Heysen, Tom Roberts, George Lambert. Blocks of 4, corner margin - buy 4 sets (1)....More In Stock: 8
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Austria 519

$ 0.40
Austria 519, MNH. Michel 857. 1948. Friedrich von Amerling, 1803-1887, painter....More In Stock: 6
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Austria 569

$ 5.80
Austria 569, MNH, $8.00. Michel 948. Moritz Michael Daffinger, painter, 1950....More In Stock: 1
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Austria 575

$ 4.75
Austria 575, MNH, $6.50. Michel 965. Martin Johann Schmidt, 1718-1801, painter. 1951....More In Stock: 3
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Austria 591

$ 9.40
Austria 591, MNH, $11.00. Michel 996. Moritz von Schwinds, 1804-1871, painter, 1956. Portrait by Franz von Lenbach....More In Stock: 2
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Austria 749

$ 0.50
Austria 749, MNH, $0.55. Michel 1193. Ferdinand Georg Waldmuller, painter, 1965....More In Stock: 10
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Austria 815

$ 0.35
Austria 815, MNH. Michel 1269. Angelica Kauffmann, self-portrait. 1968....More In Stock: 10
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Austria 818

$ 0.35
Austria 818, MNH. Michel 1271. Koloman Moser, 1868-1918, Stamp designer, painter....More In Stock: 6
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Austria 846-853

$ 2.35
Austria 846-853, MNH, $3.20. Michel 1307-1314. Etchings collection in the Albertina, Vienna, 1969. Durer, Goya, Raphael, Brueghel, Rubens, Rembrandt, Guerin, Schiele. ...More In Stock: 7
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Austria 882 mlh

$ 0.20
Austria 882, lightly hinged. Michel 1342. Alfred Cossmann, 1870-1951, Engraver. 1970....More In Stock: 1
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Austria 882

$ 0.35
Austria 882, MNH. Michel 1342. Alfred Cossmann, 1870-1951, Engraver. 1970....More In Stock: 7
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Austria 894-896

$ 1.05
Austria 894-896, MNH. Michel 1360-1362. Paintings in Vienna Museums, 1971. By Titian, Peter Brueghel, the Elder; Albrecht Durer....More In Stock: 4
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Austria 992

$ 0.35
Austria 992, MNH. Michel 1455. Franz Anton Maulbertsch, 1724-1796, painter. Self-portrait, 1974....More In Stock: 6
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Austria 1023

$ 0.35
Austria 1023, MNH. Michel 1494. Heinrich Angeli, 1840-1925, Painter. 1975....More In Stock: 4
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Austria 1149-1151

$ 2.60
Austria 1149-1151, MNH, $3.05. Michel 1630-1640. Empress Maria Theresa, 1717-1780. Paintings by Andreas Moller, Martin van Meytens, Josef Ducreux. 1980....More In Stock: 2
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Austria 1230

$ 0.50
Austria 1230, MNH. Michel 1727. Portrait of Girl, by Ernst Fuchs. 1982....More In Stock: 5
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Austria 1310

$ 0.45
Austria 1310, MNH, $0.50. Michel 1809. Painter Franz von Defregger, 1835-1921. Fairy tale teller. 1985...More In Stock: 4
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Austria 1339

$ 0.50
Austria 1339, MNH, $0.55. Michel 1841. Oscar Kokoschka, 1886-1980, artist, 1986. Self-portrait....More In Stock: 3
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Austria 2086 sheet/8

$ 21.85
Austria 2086 sheet of 8, MNH, $30.00. Portrait of a Lady, by Bernardino Zaganelli da Cotignola....More In Stock: 1
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Austria 2523

$ 2.75
Austria 2523, MNH, $3.75. Portrait of Infanta Margarita Teresa by Diego Velazquez, 2014....More In Stock: 1
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Austria B245-B251 mlh

$ 21.40
Austria B245-B251, lightly hinged, $37.75. Michel 878-884. Kunstlerhaus, Vienna, home of the leading Austrian Artists Association, 80th Ann. 1948. Hans Makart, Carl Kundmann, A.S. von Siccardsburg, Hans Cannon, William Unger, Friedrich von Schmidt....More In Stock: 1
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