Winston Churchill : 107 items in stock

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Aden Kathiri of Seiyun 91-98

$ 10.20
Aden Kathiri State of Seiyun 91-98 Michel, MNH, Euros 20.00. Sir Winston Churchill as painter, 1966. Paintings....More In Stock: 4
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Aden Kathiri of Seiyun 123 CTO

$ 4.25
Aden Kathiri State of Seiyun 123, canceled to order, Euros 8.50. Sir Winston Churchill, 1967. ...More In Stock: 1
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Aden Kathiri of Seiyun 123

$ 6.90
Aden Kathiri State of Seiyun 123, MNH, Euros 11.50. Sir Winston Churchill, 1967. ...More In Stock: 1
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Albania Underground Committee Churchill mlh

$ 3.00
Albania Underground Committee Churchill-Roosevelt set of 6, lightly hinged....More In Stock: 1
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Albania Underground Committee Churchill

$ 6.00
Albania Underground Committee Churchill-Roosevelt set of 6, MNH....More In Stock: 1
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Ascension 96-99

$ 7.25
Ascension Island 96-99, MNH, $10.00. Michel 96-99, Euros 18.75. Winston Churchill Memorial issue 1966....More In Stock: 1
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Australia 389

$ 0.35
Australia 389, MNH. Michel 353. Winston Churchill Memorial issue 1966....More In Stock: 1
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Barbuda  188 x4, 194a sheet

Barbuda  188 x4, 194a sheet

$ 9.00
Barbuda 188, 190, 192, 194, 194a sheet, MNH, $12.40. Michel 214-217, Bl.13, Euros 18.75. Sir Winston Churchill, Birth centenary, 1974....More In Stock: 1
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Barbuda 195a sheet

$ 1.50
Barbuda 195a sheet, MNH. Michel Bl.11. Sir Winston Churchill, Birth centenary, 1974....More In Stock: 1
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Bechuanaland 206-209

$ 2.35
Bechuanaland 206-209, MNH, $2.75. Michel 181-184. Winston Churchill Memorial issue 1966....More In Stock: 1
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Bhutan 44, 46

$ 2.55
Bhutan 44, 46, MNH, $3.50. Michel 55,57. Winston Churchill 1874-1965 overprinted, 1965. Flags....More In Stock: 2
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BAT 16-19 mlh

$ 23.35
British Antarctic Territory 16-19, lightly hinged, $41.20. Michel 16-19. Winston Churchill Memorial issue 1966....More In Stock: 2
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BAT 16-19

$ 29.90
British Antarctic Territory 16-19, MNH, $41.20. Michel 16-19. Winston Churchill Memorial issue, 1966....More In Stock: 4
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BAT 62-63, 63a sheet

BAT 62-63, 63a sheet

$ 10.45
British Antarctic Territory 62-63, 63a sheet, MNH, $16.50. Michel 62-63, Bl.1. Sir Winston Churchill, birth centenary, 1974. Map, ship, arms....More In Stock: 6
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BAT  63a sheet

$ 9.10
British Antarctic Territory 63a sheet, MNH, $12.50. Michel Bl.1. Sir Winston Churchill, birth centenary, 1974. Map, ship, arms. ...More In Stock: 1
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Br Guiana 297-298

$ 2.70
British Guiana 297-298, MNH, $3.15. Michel 236-237, Euros 3.25. Sir Winston Churchill memorial issue, 1966....More In Stock: 1
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Burkina Faso 346-350 deluxe sheets

$ 9.80
Burkina Faso (Upper Volta) 346-350 deluxe sheets, MNH. Michel A545-A549. Sir Winston Churchill, birth centenary in 1974. 1975. Horseback, Car, Aircraft, With Roosevelt, As painter....More In Stock: 1
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Burkina Faso 351 imperf

$ 6.90
Burkina Faso (Upper Volta) 351 imperf, MNH. Michel 550 Bl.30B. Sir Winston Churchill, birth centenary, 1975. Naval Ship....More In Stock: 1
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Burundi B28-B30 CTO

$ 0.75
Burundi B 28-B30, canceled to order, $0.90. Michel 315-317. Sir Winston Churchill Memorial issue 1967. London views....More In Stock: 1
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Burundi B30a sheet

$ 2.15
Burundi B 30a sheet, MNH, $2.50. Michel 318 Bl.21A. Winston Churchill Memorial issue 1967....More In Stock: 1
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Burundi B31-B33 imperf

$ 27.65
Burundi B 31-B33 imperf, MNH, with margin slightly damaged, or without margin $50.00. Michel 345B-347B. Lions International, 50th Ann, 1967. Winston Churchill memorial issue overprinted. St Paul's Cathedral, Tower of London, Big Ben....More In Stock: 2
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Cameroun C55-C56a pair/label

$ 2.00
Cameroun C 55-C56a pair with label, MNH, $2.75. Michel 428-429. Sir Winston Churchill, 1965. Battleship, Oak leaves....More In Stock: 3
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Canada 440 block/4

$ 0.85
Canada 440 block of 4, MNH. Michel 384. Sir Winston Churchill, 1974-1965. 1965....More In Stock: 1
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Canada 440

$ 0.25
Canada 440, MNH. Michel 384, Euros 0.40. Sir Winston Churchill, 1974-1965. 1965....More In Stock: 3
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Cayman 176-179

$ 3.10
Cayman 176-179, MNH. Michel 177-180. Winston Churchill Memorial issue 1966....More In Stock: 1
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