Mahatma Gandhi : 22 items in stock

Items 1 to 22

Chile C301

$ 0.50
Chile C301, MNH. Michel 728. Mahatma Gandhi, 1869-1948. 1970....More In Stock: 3
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Cyprus 338-339

$ 1.50
Cyprus 338-339, MNH. Michel 330-331. Mahatma Gandhi, birth centenary, 1970....More In Stock: 2
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Dominica 261-263

$ 1.80
Dominica 261-263, MNH, $2.15. Michel 260-262. Mohandas K. Gandhi, 1869-1948, 1969....More In Stock: 1
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Great Britain 600

$ 0.30
Great Britain 600, MNH. Michel 527. Mahatma Gandhi, 1869-1948, flag, 1969....More In Stock: 3
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Grenada 337-340, 340a sheet

Grenada 337-340, 340a sheet

$ 5.95
Grenada 337-340, 340a sheet, MNH, $6.90. Michel 328-331, Bl.2. Mahatma Gandhi, 1869-1948, the leader in India's fight for independence. 1969....More In Stock: 1
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Grenada 340a sheet

$ 4.05
Grenada 340a sheet, MNH, $4.75. Michel Bl.2. Mahatma Gandhi, 1869-1948, leader in India's fight for independence. 1969....More In Stock: 1
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Hungary 2005 mlh

$ 0.85
Hungary 2005, lightly hinged, $1.50. Michel 2544. Mahatma Gandhi, 1869-1948, leader of India's fight for independence, 1969....More In Stock: 1
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Hungary 2005

$ 1.30
Hungary 2005, MNH, $1.50. Michel 2544. Mahatma Gandhi, 1869-1948, leader of India's fight for independence, 1969....More In Stock: 1
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India 386 block/4

$ 1.70
India 386 block of 4, MNH. Michel 371. Kasturba Gandhi, 1869-1944, wife of Mahatma Gandhi, 1964....More In Stock: 1
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India 589

$ 0.70
India 589, MNH, $0.80. Michel 573. 25th Ann. of India's Independence, 1973. Nehru and Gandhi. ...More In Stock: 1
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India 677 block/4

$ 23.30
India 677 (17 x 23 mm) block of 4, MNH, $32.00. Michel 696. Mahatma Gandhi, 1978....More In Stock: 1
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India 677

$ 5.85
India 677 (17 x 23 mm), MNH, $8.00. Michel 696. Mahatma Gandhi, 1978....More In Stock: 1
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Iran 1535 mlh

$ 5.35
Iran 1535, lightly hinged, $8.00. Michel 1450. Mahatma Gandhi, birth centenary. 1969....More In Stock: 1
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Iran 1535

$ 6.85
Iran 1535, MNH, $8.00. Michel 1450. Mahatma Gandhi, birth centenary. 1969....More In Stock: 1
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Ireland 275-276

$ 1.40
Ireland 275-276, MNH, $1.65. Michel 235-236. Mahatma Gandhi, 1869-1948, leader in India's fight for independence. 1969....More In Stock: 3
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Malta 397

$ 0.65
Malta 397, MNH. Michel 386. Mahatma K. Gandhi, 1869-1948, birth centenary, 1969....More In Stock: 6
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Mauritania C77-C78

$ 1.70
Mauritania C 77-C78, MNH, $2.00. Michel 350-351. Apostles of Peace, 1968. Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi....More In Stock: 1
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Mauritius 357-362, 362a sheet mlh

Mauritius 357-362, 362a sheet mlh

$ 6.50
Mauritius 357-362, 362a sheet, lightly hinged, $11.45. Michel 349-354, Bl.1. Portraits of Mohandas K. Gandhi, the leader in India's struggle for independence. 1969. Cow, Elephant, Lion, Cobra....More In Stock: 1
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Mexico C352

$ 0.50
Mexico C352, MNH. Michel 1309. Mahatma Gandhi, 1869-1948, 1969....More In Stock: 4
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Uganda 1511-1512, 1513 sheet

Uganda 1511-1512, 1513 sheet

$ 8.30
Uganda 1511-1512, 1513 sheet, MNH, $9.75. Mahatma Ganghi, 1997....More In Stock: 1
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Uganda 1513 sheet

$ 3.30
Uganda 1513 sheet, MNH, $4.50. Mahatma Ganghi, 1997....More In Stock: 1
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Venezuela 1576 aj, 1577 sheets

Venezuela 1576 aj, 1577 sheets

$ 19.90
Venezuela 1576 aj, 1577 sheets, MNH, $23.25. Michel 31 klb, Bl.. Independence of India, 50th Ann. 1997. Jawaharlar Nehru, Gandhi....More In Stock: 1
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