Bridges,Dams : 315 items in stock

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Algeria C12

$ 6.95
Algeria C12, MNH, $9.50. Michel 368. Air Post 1957. Beni Bahdel Dam....More In Stock: 2
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Andorra Fr 34 mlh

$ 1.25
Andorra French 34, lightly hinged, $1.45. Michel 59. 1938. Bridge of St Anthony....More In Stock: 1
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Andorra Fr 38A/60A (7) 1940y mlh

$ 6.85
Andorra French 38A-46A-52A-53A-56A-59A-60A, lightly hinged, $8.00. Michel 76-82. 1940. Bridge of St Anthony, Gorge of St Julia, Chapel of Merithell, Old Andorra....More In Stock: 1
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Andorra Fr 51A/63A (7) 1942-43y mlh

$ 5.90
Andorra French 51A-56B-58A-60B-60C-62B-63A, lightly hinged, $6.85. Michel 83/91. 1942-1943. Bridge of St Anthony, Gorge of St Julia, Chapel of Merithell, Old Andorra....More In Stock: 1
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Andorra Fr 261

$ 0.55
Andorra French 261, MNH. Michel 289. Treaty establishing the Co-Principality of Andorra, 700th Ann. 1978. Flag, Valira River Bridge....More In Stock: 1
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Angola C26-C35

$ 18.15
Angola C26-C35, MNH, $21.20. Michel 514-523. Airmail 1965. Bridges, Dams, Airplanes....More In Stock: 1
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Argentina 638 mlh

$ 0.30
Argentina 638, lightly hinged. Michel 627. Nihuil Dam, 1956....More In Stock: 2
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Argentina 1081

$ 0.30
Argentina 1081, MNH. Michel 1245. International Bridge, Flags of Argentina and Uruguay, 1975....More In Stock: 1
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Argentina 1138

$ 0.60
Argentina 1138, MNH. Michel 1284. Rio de la Plata Bridge, 1976....More In Stock: 2
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Australia 133 mlh

$ 1.85
Australia 133, lightly hinged, $2.50. Michel 117. Sydney Harbor Bridge, opening on 03.19.1932. Ships....More In Stock: 1
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Australia 846

$ 0.45
Australia 846, MNH. Michel 809. National Stamp Week, 1982. Bridge....More In Stock: 10
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Austria 907

$ 0.50
Austria 907, MNH, $0.55. Michel 1372. Opening of highway over Brenner Pass, 1971. Europa Bridge....More In Stock: 7
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Austria 1163

$ 0.65
Austria 1163, MNH. Michel 1653. Congress : Bridge and Structural Engineering, 1980....More In Stock: 2
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Austria 1332

$ 0.40
Austria 1332, MNH. Michel 1834. Vienna Aqueduct Hundsau Brook, 75th Ann. 1985....More In Stock: 2
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Austria 1580

$ 0.68
Austria 1580, MNH, $0.90. Michel 2078. Marchfeld Canal, 1992. Bridge....More In Stock: 3
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Belgium 729-730

$ 0.65
Belgium 729-730, MNH. Michel 1570-1571. Kennedy Tunnel, Antwerp, Ship; Highways near Loncin, 1969....More In Stock: 3
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Belgium 744

$ 0.35
Belgium 744, MNH. Michel 1593. Ship in Ghent Terneuzen Lock, Zelzate, 1970. Bridge....More In Stock: 2
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Bohemia and Moravia 44

$ 0.25
Bohemia and Moravia 44, MNH. Michel 57. Views 1940. Lainsitz Bridge near Bechyne....More In Stock: 4
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Brazil 640A note mlh

$ 0.50
Brazil 640A note, hinged Michel III. Bridge between Argentina and Brazil, presidents Justo and Vargas, 1945....More In Stock: 1
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Brazil 815 block/4

$ 1.40
Brazil 815 block of 4, MNH. Michel 867, Euros 0.55. San Francisco Hydroelectric Plant, 1955....More In Stock: 1
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Brazil 815 2 colors

$ 0.85
Brazil 815 two colors, MNH. Michel 867. San Francisco Hydroelectric Plant, 1955....More In Stock: 2
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Brazil 815 mlh

$ 0.25
Brazil 815, lightly hinged. Michel 867, Euros 0.55. San Francisco Hydroelectric Plant, 1955....More In Stock: 1
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Brazil 815

$ 0.35
Brazil 815, MNH. Michel 867, Euros 0.55. San Francisco Hydroelectric Plant, 1955....More In Stock: 4
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Brazil 816 block/4

$ 1.40
Brazil 816 block of 4, MNH. Michel 873. Itutinga Hydroelectric Plant at Lavras, 1955....More In Stock: 1
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Brazil 816 2 colors blocks/4

$ 3.40
Brazil 816 two colors blocks of 4, MNH. Michel 873. Itutinga Hydroelectric Plant at Lavras, 1955....More In Stock: 1
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