Royal Families : 887 items in stock

Items 876 to 887
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Tonga 82-86 mlh

$ 1.25
Tonga 82-86, lightly hinged, $1.40. Michel 82-86. 1944. Queen Salote, inscribed 1918-1943....More In Stock: 1
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Tonga 82-86 used

$ 5.40
Tonga 82-86, used, $7.30. Michel 82-86. 1944. Queen Salote, inscribed 1918-1943....More In Stock: 1
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Tunisia B85 mlh

$ 0.65
Tunisia B 85, lightly hinged, $1.10. Michel 319. Stamp Day 1945. King Louis XI....More In Stock: 2
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Turkey 1710

$ 0.65
Turkey 1710, MNH, $0.75. Michel 2010. Visit of King Faisal of Saudi Arabia, 1968....More In Stock: 1
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Turkey 1715-1717

$ 2.90
Turkey 1715-1717, MNH, $4.00. Michel 2015-2017, Euros 5.00. Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent, 1496-1566. 1966. Horseback, mausoleum....More In Stock: 14
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Turkey 2093

$ 0.45
Turkey 2093, MNH. Michel 2445. Riza Shah Pahlavi, 1877-1944. 1977....More In Stock: 1
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Uganda 1655A ac, 1656 af sheets

Uganda 1655A ac, 1656 af sheets

$ 10.20
Uganda 1655A ac, 1656 af sheets, MNH, $14.00. The Monarchs of the Millennium, 2000....More In Stock: 1
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Uganda 1657 shet

$ 4.00
Uganda 1657 sheet, MNH, $5.50. The Monarchs of the Millennium, 2000. King Mutesa I of Buganda, 1191-1198....More In Stock: 1
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Yugoslavia B54-B57 mlh

$ 1.40
Yugoslavia B 54-B57, hinged. Michel . Princes Tomislav & Andrej, 1937....More In Stock: 1
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Zanzibar 184-194 mlh

$ 50.95
Zanzibar 184-194, lightly hinged, $70.25. Michel . Suktan Khalifabin Harub, 1926-1927....More In Stock: 1
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Zanzibar 214-217 mlh

$ 31.20
Zanzibar 214-217, lightly hinged, $43.00. Michel 190-193. Reign of Sultan Khalifa bin Harub, 25th Ann. 1936....More In Stock: 1
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Zanzibar 230-243 missing 239

$ 40.75
Zanzibar 230-243 missing 239, MNH, $56.20. Michel . Sultan Khalifa bin Harub, Seyyid Khalifa School, 1952....More In Stock: 1
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