Orders, Medals. : 179 items in stock

Items 126 to 150

Russia 1074

$ 2.75
Russia 1074, MNH, $3.75. Michel 1052. Bravery Medal, 1946....More In Stock: 6
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Russia 1100 2 color var CTO

$ 1.70
Russia 1100 two color var, canceled to order. Michel 1178, Euros 2.00. Stalin Prize Medal, 1947....More In Stock: 1
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Russia 1100 CTO

$ 0.65
Russia 1100, canceled to order. Michel 1178, Euros 1.00. Stalin Prize Medal, 1947....More In Stock: 6
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Russia 1100

$ 6.40
Russia 1100, MNH, $7.50. Michel 1178. Stalin Prize Medal, 1947....More In Stock: 1
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Russia 1341-1342 (1949y) CTO

$ 4.20
Russia 1341-1342 (1949y), canceled to order, $5.75. Michel 949c-950c, Euros 9.20. Orders of Bogdan Chmielnicki, Victory....More In Stock: 9
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Russia 1341-1342 (1949y)

$ 42.50
Russia 1341-1342, MNH. Michel 949c-950c. Orders of Bogdan Chmielnicki, Victory, 1949....More In Stock: 1
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Russia 1341A block/4 1948 CTO

$ 15.30
Russia 1341A block of 4, canceled to order, $21.00. Michel 949b, Euros 104.00. Order of Bogdan Chmielnicki, 1948....More In Stock: 3
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Russia 1341A 1948 CTO

$ 3.85
Russia 1341A, canceled to order, $5.25. Michel 949b, Euros 26.00. Order of Bogdan Chmielnicki, 1948....More In Stock: 4
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Russia 1341A

$ 8.00
Russia 1341A, MNH, $11.00. Michel 949b-950b, Euros 40.00. Order of Bogdan Chmielnicki, 1948. Block of 4 - buy 4 stamps (2). ...More In Stock: 23
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Russia 1341A-1342 (1948y)

$ 13.85
Russia 1341A-1342, MNH, $19.00. Michel 949b-950b, Euros 47.50. Orders of Bogdan Chmielnicki, Victory, 1948....More In Stock: 5
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Russia 1341A-1342a var (1948y) used

$ 6.40
Russia 1341A-1342a var (1948y), used. Michel 949b-950b, Euros 28.60. Orders of Bogdan Chmielnicki, Victory....More In Stock: 1
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Russia 1466 mlh/thin

$ 5.10
Russia 1466, hinged and thin place, $19.00. Michel 1467. Field Marshal Count A.V. Suvorov, 150th death Ann. 1950. Order, flag, marchers....More In Stock: 1
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Russia 1650-1654 CTO

$ 7.65
Russia 1650-1654, canceled to order, $11.35. Michel 1653-1657, Euros 17.00. Medals 1952: Token of Veneration, Red Star, Red Worker's Banner, Red Banner, Lenin's order....More In Stock: 4
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Russia 1650-1654 , 1654a mlh

$ 14.00
Russia 1650-1654, lightly hinged, $24.40. Michel 1653-1657. Medals 1952. Token of Veneration, Red Star, Red Worker's Banner, Red Banner, Lenin's order....More In Stock: 1
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Russia 1650-1654

$ 15.30
Russia 1650-1654, MNH, $19.40. Michel 1653-1657. Medals 1952. Token of Veneration, Red Star, Red Worker's Banner, Red Banner, Lenin's order....More In Stock: 2
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Russia 1650-1654, 1654a

$ 17.70
Russia 1650-1654, MNH, $24.40. Michel 1653-1657. Medals 1952. Token of Veneration, Red Star, Red Worker's Banner, Red Banner, Lenin's order....More In Stock: 6
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Russia 1652 strip/5

$ 4.00
Russia 1652 strip of 5, MNH, $2.00. Michel 1655. Medals 1952, reprint 1959. Red Worker's Banner....More In Stock: 7
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Russia 1652

$ 1.00
Russia 1652, MNH, $2.00. Michel 1655. Medals 1952, reprint 1959. Red Worker's Banner. Block of 4 - buy 4 stamps (2)....More In Stock: 100
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Russia 1653

$ 1.25
Russia 1653, MNH, $2.50. Michel 1656. Medals 1952 reprint 1957. Red Banner....More In Stock: 28
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Russia 1654 sheet/50

$ 150.00
Russia 1654 sheet of 50 folded along vertical row of perforation half, MNH, $250.00. Michel 1657. Medals 1952. Lenin's order, reprint 1959....More In Stock: 1
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Russia 1654a

$ 2.50
Russia 1654a, MNH, $5.00. Michel 1657b reprint 1959. Medals 1952. Lenin's order. Block of 4 - buy 4 stamps (2)....More In Stock: 41
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Russia 1662 CTO

$ 4.40
Russia 1662, canceled to order, $6.00. Michel 1665. Stalin Peace Medal, 1953....More In Stock: 4
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Russia 1662 mlh

$ 6.85
Russia 1662, lightly hinged, $12.00. Michel 1665. Stalin Peace Medal, 1953....More In Stock: 1
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Russia 1662

$ 8.80
Russia 1662, MNH, $12.00. Michel 1665. Stalin Peace Medal, 1953....More In Stock: 3
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Russia 1709 sheet of 50

$ 267.75
Russia 1709 sheet of 50 stamps folded half, MNH, $450.00. Michel 1709. 300th Ann. of the Union between the Ukraine and Russia, 1954. Order of Bogdan Chmelnicki, overprinted in carmine....More In Stock: 1
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