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Australia 1024-1030

$ 13.05
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Australia 1024-1030

Australia 1024-1030

Australia 1024-1030, 3 strips of 5, 2 pairs, 2 single stamps, MNH, the strips of 5 can be folded between stamps, $19.00. Australia-200, 1986-1988. 1. First Fleet leaving England. Capt Arthur Phillip, Mrs Phillip, Sailors, Longboat, Fleet in harbor; Tenerife, Canary Islands, Fishing; Fleet, Dolphins. 2. First Fleet arrives at Rio de Janeiro. Sailing Ships, Whale, Citrus grove, Market, Fireworks. 3. Fleet arrives at Good Hope, Sailing Ships, Birds, Pig. 4. Arrival of the First Fleet, Sydney Cove. Aborgines on shore, Kangaroos, White cranes, Flag racing.



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